Friday, March 8, 2013

What is the Petition and How Can I Sign It?

The Park District Guidelines for establishing a dog friendly area require the Dog Friendly Area Committee (“DFAC”) to petition the neighborhood within a five-block radius of the park. The petition allows neighbors to indicate whether or not they support a dog friendly area. The DFAC has begun the petition process by knocking on doors in the neighborhood west of the park. The DFAC intends to continue the petition process in the spring when the weather warms up and continue through the summer. If you live within five blocks of the park and are not home when the Committee knocks on your door but would like to sign the petition, please follow one of these suggestions:

  1. Come to a Horner Park Advisory Council Meeting. A petition will be made available at each meeting. Meetings are held at the Horner Park Fieldhouse on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
  2. Come to a Community Meeting about the Dog Park proposal. The DFAC will be participating in community meetings where the petition will be available. For more information on when those will be, please continue checking this website for updates. The petition will be at the DFAC’s table at the Horner Park Doggie Easter Egg Hunt on March 30 from 10-12.
  3. Send an email to and we can set up a time to come back to your house or meet you at Horner Park Fieldhouse so that you may sign the petition.

We've Moved!

Please visit us at our new site, . See you there!